Sitting in my room late at night scrolling through IG (per usual), I decide to take a look at my site. I wondered to myself, "I've named a few pieces after a few of the women in my life and they probably have no idea." I had just sent out a text campaign to bring attention to the new video that I just added to the site, so I followed up with couple ladies. I asked my cousin, "Hey, did you see the necklace that I named after you?". I went to the site to send her a link to the necklace and wouldn't you know?...
I realized that I never added an option for Gems to be able to shop on the mobile site!? 180 new mobile members to the site in one week and NO OPTION TO SHOP VIA MOBILE!! (slaps forehead)
So (in almost complete meltdown), I ran upstairs to grab my lap top. I've got to fix this, immediately! Grabbed the laptop, it's dead. Great. (Darn Distance Learning) Of course I can always rely on the "The Super Computer"*.
ALAS, the problem is now solved. After all the months, days, etc. etc. spent building my site, who knew, there was one little button that hid my entire site from the eyes of people all across the world. Attention to detail (or the lack thereof) caused all of us to miss out on... well, I guess I'll never know. But what I do know is that you live and you learn. And with that you better yourself each and everyday.
There's my silly story for the day. Well Gems, what small, teeny-tiny details have you missed that gave you that "Doh!" moment? Hey I tell ya what, it wouldn't be living if we weren't learning.
-Victoria the sometimes forgetful 😏
*Super Computer- My kid's lingo for a desktop